Sublime Text C++ Mac

Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface. This results in a fluid UI all the way up to 8K resolutions, all while using less power than before. Apple Silicon and Linux ARM64 Sublime Text for Mac now includes native support for Apple Silicon processors. Sublime Text has a minimap on the side that provides a top-down view of the file and keyboard shortcuts for most actions. It also supports a large number of languages and general text editing features out of the box. Sublime Text 2(Hereinafter referred to as Subl)Is a very powerful cross platform code editor.It needs some configuration to make it more powerful. The configurations involved in this article are as follows: Set Subl to support command line startup; Install package control to enable the Subl to support the installation of plug-ins. Auto-save is available through Sublime Package Control and is the recommended way to install. Alternatively, you may install via GitHub by cloning this repository into the Packages directory under Sublime Text's data directory: On Mac.

Select & Expand

⌘ Dselect current word (repeat to include next instance of word)
⌘ Lselect current line (repeat to include next line)
⌘ ⇧ Lsplit selection into multiple lines
⌘ ⇧ Aselect text inside tag (repeat to expand)
Ctrl ⇧ Mselect to curly or angle brackets (repeat to expand)

Replace ⌘ with Ctrl on Windows and Linux.


Code Folding

⌘ Alt [fold closest block
⌘ Alt ]unfold closest block
⌘ K⌘ 1fold all first level code blocks
⌘ K⌘ 2fold all second level code blocks
⌘ K⌘ 3 (etc)fold all third level code blocks (etc)
⌘ K⌘ Tfold all HTML attributes
⌘ K⌘ 0unfold everything


⌘ ⇧ Dduplicate current line/selection
⌘ ⇧ Kdelete current line/selection


⌘ Pgoto anything
⌘ Ggoto line number
⌘ Rgoto symbol
⌘ P, :goto line number (enter number after :)
⌘ P, #goto and list fuzzy-matches of string (enter characters after #)
⌘ P, @goto and list symbol (begin typing symbol name after @)

Mac Sublime Text 3 C++ 配置


C Compiler For Sublime Text


Command line

Sublime Text C++ Debug

Use subl to open files in Sublime from the terminal.